Nominate a Colleague for an AGM Award!

Teachers work hard.  Given that, it's important to take time to recognize the time and dedication our members put in to both the OSSTF and their work with students and colleagues. 

To that end, each year at our Annual General Meeting (this year it is on Thursday, April 23 - stay tuned for more information!) two teachers receive the coveted Walter Clarke and Walter Lunn Awards.  

To win these awards, the Educational Services Committee reviews all on-time nominations and then selects the recipients.  This year, nominations are due no later than April 3.  The nomination forms can be accessed below.  Also, here is a brief description of each awards' focus and criteria (in case members want to get a head start on considering who to nominate!).

All nominations must be submitted by the site's Branch President.   

The Walter Clarke Award: The Walter Clarke award will be given to a member of OSSTF District 21 – Hamilton-Wentworth Teachers’ Unit whose work in the classroom and in the community testifies to his/her outstanding qualities as a teacher.  Nominators will be asked to 1. describe the nominee’s significant activities and achievements in classroom teaching which demonstrate this member’s qualities as an outstanding teacher. (i.e. Subject/levels, interesting lessons or units developed, examples of dealing with students etc.) and 2. describe the nominee’s involvement in the community (i.e. School council, church, political, neighborhood groups, etc.).

The Walter Lunn Award: The Walter Lunn award will be given to a member of OSSTF District 21 – Hamilton-Wentworth Teachers’ Unit whose work within OSSTF either at the provincial or local level demonstrates a commitment of at least five (5) years to the principles by OSSTF.  Nominators will be asked to describe the nominee’s significant activities and achievements in OSSTF either at the provincial or local level which demonstrates a commitment to the principles of OSSTF.

In addition to being recognized at the AGM itself, each recipient's name is added to a plaque that hangs in the District 21 Office.