
OSSTF/FEESO believes that the union has a role to play in assisting members who are experiencing workplace sexual harassment, intimate violence, and abuse. Therefore, OSSTF/FEESO is demonstrating this commitment by announcing our new Women’s Advocate Program.

Women’s Advocates are not counselors. They are specially trained volunteers who can provide support for women who may need assistance accessing workplace supports and community services or resources.

The Women’s Advocate Program was developed to provide support to members experiencing or impacted by domestic violence. OSSTF/FEESO knows, in addition to employers, unions have a role to play in protecting and supporting women in need. OSSTF/FEESO has trained between 2 to 5 Women’s Advocates to work in every district. Two videos were created to assist Districts in educating their executives and members on the Women’s Advocate program, what role advocates play in the district, and to provide helpful hints to assist District and Bargaining Unit officers in setting up a successful Women’s Advocate program in their District.

What do women’s advocates do?

- Provide a space for other workers to talk.

- They listen, believe, validate, and assist.

- Are empathetic, non-judgmental, discreet, and confidential.

- Are educated on issues of gender-based violence and the impacts on workers and their lives.

A video overview of the OSSTF/FEESO Women’s Advocate Program

Who are our Women’s Advocates?

Dr. Shushmita Gupta (Teachers/Occasional Teachers)

Please reach out to the advocate(s) specific to your Bargaining Unit. Additionally, members can contact Brandie LeBlanc, OSSTF’s Executive Assistant, at 905-574-8285 to leave a message. The member’s Bargaining Unit advocate will then contact them at a later time when it is safe to do as (as indicated by the member).

Local resources for Hamilton and the surrounding area

Supports For Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault - Hamilton

Hamilton Health Sciences - Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centre

If you are experiencing an emergency situation, call 9-1-1.

Employer Policy and Bargaining Unit Collective Agreement Information

HWDSB Policy regarding Domestic Violence: (Applies to T/OT, OCTU, PSSP, and ESL members.)

The HWDSB’s Workplace Violence Prevention Procedure specifically notes that Domestic Violence is also considered workplace violence when a person in a personal relationship with that employee (such as a spouse or former spouse, current or former intimate partner, or a family member) physically harms, attempts to physically harm, or threatens to physically harm that employee at work.

The Board will assess the risks of workplace violence that may arise from the nature of the workplace, the type of work, or the conditions of work. This risk assessment shall take into consideration: 

a. the circumstances that would be common to similar workplaces; 

b. the circumstances specific to the workplace; and 

c. any other prescribed elements

HWCDSB Policy regarding Domestic Violence: (Applies to PECW members.)

OSSTF Collective Agreement Language that pertains to Domestic Violence:

Teachers/Occasional Teachers (Articles L.710 and L32.14)

Office, Clerical, and Technical (Articles L16.7, L44.8, and L44.9)

Domestic or Sexual Violence Leave (Province of Ontario)