2020 Women's March - Saturday. January 18

Three years ago, on the first full day of Donald Trump’s presidency, women and men and gender non-conforming people, young and old, of diverse faiths, differently abled, immigrants and indigenous –came together, 5 million strong, on all seven continents of the world to march in Washington to protest the loss of women’s rights and freedoms proposed by President Trump. The premise for this march and all of the other ‘sister marches’ occurring around the world was a belief in a world that is equitable, tolerant, just and safe for all.

On Saturday, January 18, 2020, OSSTF/FEESO members across Ontario will once again march in Toronto,as well as in many other communities across the province. Events are planned to mark this anniversary, to show solidarity for women,and to push for the advancement of women's rights and human rights in Canada and globally.

Learn more about District 21’s Status of Women Committee’s plan by visiting their Facebook page.